Invite Code Program – Announcement Dec.23, 2019

This is an Announcement for the Invite Code Program that launched from December 1st, 2019.

Invite Code Program Announcement

First, HB Wallet Team would like to congratulate 383 Invitees and 259 Inviters that have been successfully rewarded for joining our program. We appreciate your proper and kind participation.

Unfortunately, we are sorry to announce that the Invite Code Program will be stopped temporarily until we have further notice, due to a high volume of manipulations from Bots and Virtual Devices.

(*) Proof of transaction to proper Invitees and Inviters:

– Inviters with DAI:

– Invitees with ETH:

(*) List of Invitees and Inviters:

We use an algorithm to sort out 642 proper users from 5,014 virtual machines. Hence, the result will be 99% correct. If an address that participated in our program and does not show up here, it means that address is associated with bots or virtual machines.

However, if you truly believe there is a mistake and you actually participated in the program without any manipulation, we will check your address manually, and inform you when there is a result. We will need you to provide some personal info like name, email, phone number, etc.

(*) Just so you know, submitting an appeal does not mean you will get through the screening system and receive the reward freely. We will check your address carefully, if we detect any cheating actions, we will put your address & IP to our blacklist and you might not be able to join our future Airdrops, please fill in the form:

Thank you for using HB Wallet. Please stay tuned for our future upgrades.